Siglent Solutions

Oscilloscopes designed to address signal fidelity challenges

Engineers constantly face challenges associated with signal fidelity. Debugging, analyzing, and visualizing issues with small signal details are becoming a more important part of R & D testing in many industries. Finding the best tools for signal fidelity analysis is an important part of quick problem solving. Many oscilloscopes now offer high resolution ADCs or special modes to assist engineers in these tasks. SIGLENT's HD oscilloscopes combine a 12 bit ADC with a specially designed front end that empowers engineers with flexible and powerful capabilities for capturing and visualizing small signal details. These capabilities are offered from 70 MHz to 6 GHz to address the widest variety of signal fidelity requirements in the industry. Learn more about how SIGLENT HD oscilloscopes have been designed for signal quality from the ground up.

Scope Design for Signal Fidelity

12 bit ADCs are just the beginning



True Resolution is equivalent to the number of bits captured by the ADC for each sample. Additional bits of resolution are often discussed as a result of filtering or averaging.

The 12 bit ADC reduces the quantization error, but in order to get improved signal fidelity careful design choices must be made.

Learn about SIGLENT’s improvements in:

  • Noise floor
  • Gain accuracy
  • Isolation

Low noise design starts with component selection, EMI, and power cleanliness in the front end. Noise increases with bandwidth and sampling rate. An oscilloscope’s noise can be characterized by range, bandwidth, and configuration. It’s important to start with good performance at full bandwidth and sampling.

Filtering techniques like ERES on SIGLENT’s HD Oscilloscopes make it possible to trade off bandwidth for noise using the deep memory and oversampling. This means that higher bandwidth instruments can be trimmed back to get even better noise performance at different bandwidths.

Front end noise performance


SIGLENT HD scopes have 0.5% DC gain accuracy at ≥5 mV/div. From basic debugging to performance applications. these scopes are some of the most accurate available.

DC Gain Accuracy



Isolation across multiple channels


Channel to channel isolation is important because many of the applications requiring signal fidelity are multichannel and across signal types. Hunt for small signal details with confidence that the neighboring channel isn’t influencing the results.

Scopes like the SDS2000X HD and SDS3000X HD are specified as high as 60 or 70 dB isolation. This is 30 times the isolation of some other high resolution oscilloscopes.


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Visualization Tools

Capturing data with improved signal fidelity is a great start. Real efficiency and utility comes from getting that information to the engineer in a simple and intuitive way. SIGLENT HD oscilloscopes deliver better signal visualization with:

  • Powerful Vertical Zoom
  • Dynamic scale offset
  • Deep memory FFTs

Vertical Zoom


With 12 bit samples and low noise, important signal elements can be hiding between pixels on the standard view. Use vertical zoom on live measurements to identify and capture these small signal anomalies.

Combine with persistence modes and zone triggering to quickly handle challenging debug challenges.

With some of the most scales and widest offsets available, SIGLENT’s HD scopes allow engineers to use more precise ranges when looking for small signal details riding on larger signals. Shown by voltage offset here, engineers can get 10 X or more decrease in error because they can access a signal with a tighter range.

Without the proper range, much of the advantage of 12 bit measurements would be lost. Improve how you visualize signal fidelity with better ranging options combined with our vertical zoom view.

Dynamic Scale Offset 


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Deep Memory FFTs



SIGLENT HD oscilloscopes start with 2 million point FFTs using 12 bit data. This improves accuracy and noise levels. Combine with filtering and our design for signal quality for EMI and RF debugging.

The SDS3000X HD and SDS7000A series instruments provide even deeper FFTs for wideband, high fidelity measurements.

Utilize tools including peaks and markers to further analyze these signals in the frequency domain.

Learn More about SIGLENT High Resolution Oscilloscopes in Signal Fidelity Applications

SDS800X HD High Resolution Oscilloscopes

70-100 MHz HD Oscilloscopes with 70 uVrms @ 200 MHz noise and a 7″ display.


SDS1000X HD High Resolution Oscilloscopes

100-200 MHz HD Oscilloscopes with 70 uVrms @ 200 MHz noise and a 10.1″ display.


SDS3000X HD High Resolution Oscilloscopes

350 MHz to 1 GHz HD Oscilloscopes with 125 uVrms @ 1 GHz noise, 4 GSa/sec, and SAPBus for advanced probing.