Operating Tips

SPD3303C Series

Currently supported instruments for use with the SIGLENT USB-GPIB adapter

August 8, 2019

The SIGLENT USB-GPIB adaptor currently works with the following SIGLENT instruments: Multimeters – SDM3065X/SDM3065X-SC SDM3055/SDM3055-SC SDM3045X   Function/Arbitrary waveform generators – SDG6000X Series SDG5000 Series SDG2000X Series SDG1000X Series SDG1000 Series   RF Generators – SSG3000X/-IQE Series SSG5000X/-V Series   Spectrum & vector network analyzers – SSA3000X Series SSA3000X Plus Series SVA1000X Series   Oscilloscopes … Continued

SPD wiring suggestions

March 7, 2019

The SIGLENT SPD series of power supplies have only positive voltage and current setpoint values. That is, you can select voltages or currents that are from 0 to the max value (0-32 V, for voltage.. as an example for the SDP3000X/X-E). Here are the suggested wiring configurations to achieve both positive and negative potentials at the … Continued

SPD constant current performance (current compliance protection)

January 3, 2019

The SIGLENT SPD series of power supplies offer constant current mode. This setting limits the current output of the specified channel and can be used as a constant current source and to protect your device-under-test (DUT). In this tip, we show the typical performance of the SPD as it switches between constant voltage (CV) and … Continued

SPD programming tips

December 26, 2018

The SPD series of power supplies feature remote programming capabilities and can be controlled via USB or LAN connection. In this note, we will use Python and PyVISA to create a program that will connect to an SPD, enable the output, delay, and then disable the output. There are two areas that differ from some … Continued

Are your instruments FCC compliant?

December 14, 2018

Test and measurement equipment is exempt from FCC emissions limits per CFR 47, Part 15, para 15.103(c): https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/CFR-2002-title47-vol1/pdf/CFR-2002-title47-vol1-sec15-103.pdf Specifically: “(c) A digital device used exclusively as industrial, commercial, or medical test equipment.”

SPD3303-C Power Supply is stuck in Constant Current (CC) mode

November 9, 2018

The most common reason that the SPD3303-C is stuck in constant current mode (CC.. indicated by a red LED between the channel outputs) is an incorrect voltage setting on the inputs. Here is a picture of the voltage settings at 220 V, but with 120 V input power: Note that with no load attached, the … Continued

USB Connectivity Checklist

April 24, 2018

The Universal Serial Bus (USB) is very popular and has added a tremendous level of convenience and flexibility to computer and peripheral controls, including test and measurement instrumentation. As with all technology, it isn’t always sunshine and blue skies. Here are some common troubleshooting steps for USB connection issues: – Is the instrument plugged in … Continued

Potential Solutions to Easy software window rendering/font issues

March 8, 2018

The installation of SIGLENT EasySpectrum and other “Easy” software is typically uneventful. But, there may be an occasional issue. Here are some steps that may help clear up any issues that you may encounter: Here is an example of a mis-rendered window view of EasySpectrum: Here are some steps that may help fix the issue: … Continued

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