Application Notes

Spectrum Analyzers

DIY RF Probe Tutorial

July 23, 2018

Probing RF circuits can be tricky. Here are some resources for DIY probes   And Instructables has built on this:   There is also a DC-1 GHz passive probe from EMC guru Doug Smith: NOTE: SIGLENT does not endorse any of these solutions. They are for reference only.   … Continued

Quick remote computer control using LXI Tools

March 13, 2018

Introduction: There are many options for people considering remote communication and control of test and measurement instrumentation. In most cases, a computer is used to communicate to test instrumentation using USB or LAN connections. The computer can configure the instruments, collect and organize data, and present it in a useful and flexible way. Remote control … Continued

Quickly Monitor FM Deviation using a Spectrum Analyzer

February 22, 2018

Spectrum analyzers are very useful tools for observing radio transmissions. One of the more common applications is to monitor a known channel or band of frequencies. In this note, we are going to show how to quickly capture an FM radio transmission and then configure the analyzer to provide us with the frequency deviation of … Continued

Spectrum Analyzer Basics: Detectors

January 23, 2018

INTRODUCTION: Spectrum analyzers like the SIGLENT SSA3000X Series have a number of available detector selections that can help you observe specific signals of interest. This operating tip provides a brief description of the available detector types and suggested usage.   BASICS: The SIGLENT SSA 3000X Series spectrum analyzers normally display power versus frequency on a … Continued

Generating an Activation Code (Option Code)

January 18, 2018

Introduction Many SIGLENT products have options that can be activated by entering a special activation code into the front panel. This note covers how to generate the activation code.   Setup Contact your Authorized SIGLENT sales office or distributor to obtain an Option Card. This is typically a document that is emailed as a PDF. … Continued

Spectrum Analyzer Basics: Bandwidth

October 25, 2017

Spectrum analyzers are useful tools for broadcast monitoring, RF component testing, and EMI troubleshooting. There are a number of common adjustments available with many modern analyers that can optimize performance for a particular application. In this application note, we will introduce resolution bandwidth (RBW) and video bandwidth (VBW) and how they affect measurements. Resolution Bandwidth … Continued

Programming Example: Open Socket LAN connection using Python

October 20, 2017

Automating a test can dramatically increase the productivity, throughput, and accuracy of a process. Automating a setup involves connecting a computer to the test instrumentation using a standard communications bus like USB or LAN and then utilizing code entered via a software layer (like LabVIEW, .NET, Python, etc..) to sequence the specific instrument commands and … Continued

Verification of a LAN connection using Telnet

October 20, 2017

Automating a test can dramatically increase the productivity, throughput, and accuracy of a process. Automating a setup involves connecting a computer to the test instrumentation using a standard communications bus like USB or LAN and then utilizing code entered via a software layer (like LabVIEW, .NET, Python, etc..) to sequence the specific instrument commands and … Continued

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