Oscilloscope Specifications: What does “div” mean in the specifications?

February 27, 2019

The term “div” for most SIGLENT specifications is equal to the Vertical Scale value (Commonly shown in units of Volts/div).

Take the specification for the DC Gain Accuracy of a SIGLENT SDS1052DL+

For ranges ≤ 100 mV/div, the DC Gain Accuracy is given as

± [3% × (|reading|+|offset|) +1% × |offset| +0.2 * div+2 mV]


Reading = 0.5 V

Offset is 0.1 V

Vertical scale (div) = 100 mV/div = 0.1 V/div,

Then DC Gain is calculated as follows:

± [3% × (|reading|+|offset|) +1% × |offset| +0.2 * div+2 mV] =

± [3% × (|0.5 V|+|0.1 V|) +1% × |0.1 V| +0.2 div * (0.1 V/div) + 0.002 V] =

± [3% × (0.6 V) +  0.0001 V +  0.02 V + 0.002 V] = 0.018 V + 0.0001 V + 0.02 V + 0.002 V = 0.0401 V



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