Waveform Generators

SIGLENT's function generators / arbitrary waveform generators use advanced Digital Frequency Synthesis (DDS) technology to produce high quality standard function and arbitrary waveform signals. They also provide a wide range of analog and digital modulation functions.

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Siglent Arbitrary Waveform Generators
Produce High Fidelity and Low Jitter Signals

SIGLENT’s Arbitrary Waveform Generators includes models with up to 1 GHz bandwidth, 5 GSa/s sample rate, 16-bit vertical resolution and 512 Mpts of memory depth. Common analog and digital modulations, sweep and burst are provided to support complex signal generation. Proprietary TrueArb & EasyPulse technology included in some of the models helps to solve the weaknesses inherent in traditional DDS generators when generating arbitrary, square and pulse waveforms. In addition, the X-series and A-series provide true dual channels with internal waveform combination, flexible phase/channel control and copy/coupling/tracking between channels. The A-series are equipped with differential outputs, digital bus kits, sequence function and 48 V output range. These features enable SIGLENT’s Function and Arbitrary Waveform Generators to provide a variety of high fidelity and low jitter signals, meeting the growing requirements of complex and intensive applications.

Internal Wave Combination

No need for external adapters and cabling. Quickly combine CH1 and CH2 outputs internally (Most SDG models)

Flexible Phase/Channel Control

Lock phases for greater inter-channel phase control. Independent mode smooths parameter transitions (Most SDG models)

True Dual Channels

Independent channels with full specifications for two times the instrument (Most SDG models)

Series Max Output Frequency Max Sampling Rate Vertical Resolution Waveform Length Channels Price
SDG7000A 1 GHz, 500MHz, 350MHz 5G Sa/s 14-bit 512 Mpts 2 Differential/Single-ended $11,389 - $18,389
SDG6000X 200, 350, 500 MHz 2.4 GSa/s 16-bit 20 Mpts 2 $1,525 - $5,490
SDG2000X 40, 80, 120 MHz 1.2 GSa/s 16-bit 8 to 8 Mpts 2 $449 - $809
SDG1000X Plus 60 MHz 1 GSa/s 16-bit 8 Mpts 2 CH $369-$539
SDG1000X 30, 60 MHz 150 MSa/s 14-bit 16 kpts 2 $359 - $490
SDG800 10, 30 MHz 125 MSa/s 14-bit 16 kpts 1 $239 - $269

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