Application Notes

Spectrum Analyzers

Electromagnetic Compliance: Troubleshooting with Near-Field and Current Probes

October 20, 2017

Electromagnetic interference (EMI) can cause a host of problems, especially when developing a product or attempting to pass mandatory electromagnetic compliance (EMC) tests. Garbled displays, bad data, or complete malfunctions can occur when a design is effected by EMI. To minimize the effects of interference, government agencies like the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in North … Continued

Electromagnetic Compliance: Pre-Compliance Conducted Emissions Testing

October 19, 2017

Electromagnetic compliance (EMC) testing involves measuring the radio frequency (RF) output of a product and comparing the results to published limits that are set forth by a government agency responsible for creating and enforcing standards, such as the Federal Communications Committee (FCC) in the United States. Any product that has the ability to generate RF … Continued

Electromagnetic Compliance: Pre-Compliance Test Basics

October 19, 2017

Today’s products are subjected to more standardized test requirements than ever before. These standards (UL, CE, and others) ensure consumer safety and add to the quality and dependability of products. But, these tests also add cost to the manufacturer, which is passed to the consumer. This is especially true with electronics. Any product that has … Continued

Testing Open Socket Communications Using PuTTY

October 19, 2017

Many instruments include the ability to be controlled via a remote connection to a computer using an Ethernet connection. In many cases, these instruments require a special software library that can help establish and maintain the communications link between the instrument and controlling computer. This can be annoying for a few reasons… the software library … Continued

Build AM NRSC masks for SIGLENT SSA3000X/SVA1015Xs using a Python script

October 19, 2017

Many broadcast applications require monitoring a transmitter and observing the output amplitude vs. frequency. For AM radio applications, a common mask is defined by the National Radio Systems Committee (NRSC) and is commonly referred to as the AM NRSC mask. Table 1 shows the general analog AM NRSC-2-B mask values around a center frequency (fc). … Continued

Measuring Filter Characteristics Using the SSA3000X Spectrum Analyzer

October 19, 2017

A filter is a universal, two-port, frequency-selective device used in a wide variety of electronic circuits and applications. A low-pass filter is one that passes signals with a frequency lower than a certain cut-off frequency while attenuating the higher frequencies. Low-pass filters are often used in radio transmitters, audio devices, and communication systems. They can … Continued

Verification of a working remote communications connection using NI – MAX

September 29, 2017

Automating a test can dramatically increase the productivity, throughput, and accuracy of a process. Automating a setup involves connecting a computer to the test instrumentation using a standard communications bus like USB or LAN and then utilizing code entered via a software layer (like LabVIEW, .NET, Python, etc..) to sequence the specific instrument commands and … Continued